House Maebashi
前橋の家 / 切妻の家 No.02
View from the south west photo: Sugaya Studio
The distant view of the north photo: MTKarchitects
The deck and the outside view photo: MTKarchitects
The living and dining,kitchen photo: MTKarchitects
The Island kitchen: view from the staircase photo: Sugaya Studio
The study corner photo: MTKarchitects
The Island kitchen: view from the living and dining photo: MTKarchitects
The staircase photo: MTKarchitects
The wooden corridor photo: MTKarchitects
The entrance and hall photo: MTKarchitects
The child's room photo: MTKarchitects
The approach photo: MTKarchitects
Project Details:
Location: Maebashi-City, Gunma Pref. Japan
Type: Residential, Private House
Structure: Wooden timber framework, Two-story
Status: Built
Area: 120.15 sqm
Site Area: 313.12 sqm
Architects: MTK architects
Architect In Charge: Akira Metoki
Construction: Kobayashi Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Photographs: Sugaya Studio