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Subway ST Akabanebashi
都営地下鉄大江戸線 赤羽橋駅
The plathorm photo: Satoshi Asakawa
The glass block wall of the track photo: Satoshi Asakawa
ガラス・ブロック ベンチ
The glass block bench photo: Satoshi Asakawa
The staircase photo: Satoshi Asakawa
Subway station entrance of the glass block photo: Satoshi Asakawa
The track and the glass block wall photo: Satoshi Asakawa
Project Details:
Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan
Type: Public, Transport
Structure: Reinforced Concrete Construction, Two-story above ground and one basement
Area: 7,588.22 sqm
Architects: Hiroyuki Aoshima Architects
Design and CA Cooperation: MTKarchitects Akira Metoki
Construction: Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd. Nissan Construction Co., Ltd. Matsuo Construction Co., Ltd. JV
Photographs: Satoshi Asakawa
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