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  • 執筆者の写真GIGI_mtk

窓 - Mado-













Architectural poets: the window exists and appeals.

I am very interested in 'windows - mado' in building design.

It's not just about the shape of the windows, but rather, their "presence" within a space.

Not just 'holes' in the wall, not just 'openings' for ventilation,

The role of windows extends beyond simply allowing light and air into a space. They are essential elements that express the personality of a building, seamlessly blending both design aesthetics and functionality.

Windows are the face of a building, and their shape, arrangement, size, and decoration can have a significant impact on the appearance of a building. The design of windows reflects the style and concept of a building and highlights its individuality and character. For example, with the spire-arched windows of Gothic architecture, the iconic windows of the Sagrada Familia, the glass façades of modern Bauhaus, the horizontal series of windows of Corbusier and the recent skyscrapers wrapped in glass panels, and the windows themselves turning into exterior walls, the way 'windows' are becoming increasingly diversified ...

The window located at the boundary between the inside and outside the building does many things in its thin surface, which is transparent, slightly coloured, or reflective, bringing about an interaction of 'connection'. The building is a place where wind plays, light and shadow dance, and stories come to life when you stand by the window. The scenery changes with the seasons, enriching the hearts of those who are there and those who live there. The openness of the windows creates a peaceful landscape in harmony with the surrounding environment and nature.

In this way, it is interesting that 'windows' are deeply and profoundly related to the performance and technical aspects of architecture and to people's emotions!

As the gateway from reality to the world of dreams, bridging the gap between dream and reality, this mysterious device, or rather boundary, which serves as an entrance and exit, is the window. 

Windows have always fascinated me because their design and the way they are used in the design of a building makes me think: "How would this place look nice if it were better...". The windows are a constant source of fascination for me.




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